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You are on our project website, some areas are still under construction but enjoy knowing more about us and about the project

Misson statement

Our mission

The Phalanx project is an ambitious project that is set to help the environment through getting close to the consumer wishes in a way that had never been reached before. 

It has been always thought the "consumption" and "the consumer" are the main reasons behind the damage taking place to our eco system, but we beg to differ

We strive at understanding this underlying desire, the one that kicks in to tell the consumer what they "like" and what "deserves"

We aim at listening and learning everything about the consumer to ensure that they are best served

With the consumer at the heart of this project, our ultimate mission will be to reshuffle everything to ensure that he/she/they pay for only what he/she/they get and what he/she/they get is what he/she/they asked for and even go one step further to ensure what he/she/they asked for is what he/she/they really want and only then the consumers will be in sync with the eco system they live in

It is the ultimate responsibility of brands to make this connection and ensure this harmony and benefit that should be the essence of how they make profit and continue to exist and we will be providing the tools to do this


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The Phalanx Project

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Amiens - France

© 2023 The Phalanx Project

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